OnRoute to Wealth

Overcoming Trauma & Living a Bodacious Badass Life with Patrina Wisdom

Kristy Runzer Season 1 Episode 37

Your true character is shown in times of adversity. In this episode I speak with Patrina Wilson, a best selling author, TedEx speaker, and holistic financial coach about how she overcame the trauma of her husband's suicide and created a life that is bold, bodacious, and thriving. She explores the feminine model of leadership and is the pioneer of the "Unf*ck Your Money Mindset" program.

Patrina Wilson is a testamant that long term fulfillment, harmony, and peace is possible even after trauma. She teaches us how to step into our feminine power, take back control of our lives, and lead with conviction by sharing unconventional wealth creation tactics.

You can find Patrina here:
Free Webinar: https://go.patrinawisdom.com/pl/2147547677
Website: https://patrinawisdom.com/