OnRoute to Wealth

Annie Toth's Money Story: Breaking Molds and Forging Her Own Path

February 11, 2022 Kristy Runzer Season 1 Episode 36

Sometimes the life we think we want, isn't actually the life we that makes us happy. Today I speak with Annie Toth, a happiness coach who breaks down how the path that society has set for us, may not necessarily be the one to bring you joy and happiness. Annie talks about how an unexpected divorce has led her to redefine for herself what kind of life she wants to lead, how checking the boxes that she thought she was supposed to check ultimately didn't make her fulfilled, and how to take back control of your narrative.

Annie is a happiness coach and helps women reclaim their power, redefine what they what their life to look like, and empower women to make brave and resilient choices. She takes lessons she's learned from her personal experiences and demonstrates how you can live a life with intention.

You can find Annie here:
Website: https://braveandresilientlife.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/braveandresilient/