OnRoute to Wealth

Stop Saving, Start Living

September 22, 2023 Kristy Runzer Season 3 Episode 8

This episode is from one of my coaching calls. If you are interested in financial coaching services please visit my website: https://www.onroutefinancial.com/

You're in a good place with your finances, but have you ever thought about what's next? In this episode we the mindset of thinking beyond the present and taking your financial journey to the next level. I challenge you to dream bigger, set new goals, and walk a path that aligns with your higher aspirations.

I also guide my client on she can create a strategic approach that aligns her financial resources with her passions and desires. You can too!

If you’re too conservative with your savings, we address the overthinking that comes with that. How do you allocate money to things your truly desire, but you question their worth?

Remember, if you have resources, it's time to utilize them. Leverage your financial means to craft a life that reflects your unique vision. It's about doing things your way and seizing opportunities that resonate with your values and goals.

We talk about

  • Conservative spenders
  • Determining value in our purchases
  • How to have fun with your money
  • How to use your resources well

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristy_runzer/