OnRoute to Wealth
A show for visionaries, entrepreneurs, leaders, and change-makers who have big visions. And guess what?? Those visions are expensive!! So we maximize the money we're earning to invest and build wealth so that we can fund our dream life, support our family and create generational wealth, and give generously to communities we care about. We build wealth through practical financial and wealth-building strategies, growing our relationship and mindset with money, and embodying an elevated energy around what it feels like to be wealthy, right now.
OnRoute to Wealth
Rebuilding and Reinventing
This episode is from one of my coaching calls. If you are interested in financial coaching services please visit my website: https://www.onroutefinancial.com/
In this episode my client talks about her desire to create better budgeting habits and rebuild her financial cushion after a period of unemployment led her to a life-changing decision—to travel and experience the world. Despite the uncertainty, she embarked on an unforgettable journey to Europe, where she looked for job opportunities while making cherished memories with her grandma.
With no concrete plan in hand, the trip was super scary, but it turned out to be the best experience of her life. For my client travel is more than a goal—it's a passion and a catalyst for personal growth.
Now she is in the process of rebuilding and laying a strong financial foundation.
We talk about:
- Trusting in the future
- Accepting circumstances and embracing new opportunities
- Finding what areas in life you value + investing in that
- Learning how to create a financial plan to reflect said values
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristy_runzer/